Hunger Strike for the Climate at central Helsinki generated attention
The Hunger Strike for Future took place in Helsinki city centre August 10th–21st. Three XR rebels demanded that the Finnish Government takes immediate action on the climate crisis, and speaks the truth about the devastating situation. The action received plenty of media attention.
The Finnish Government reacted to the strike with a visit from Krista Mikkonen, the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change. Also Elina Vaara, the senior specialist in charge of reforming the Climate Change Act, organised a hearing at the protest site and the Climate Ambassador from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs paid the protestors a visit. The hunger strikers spent most of their time interacting with people visiting or just passing by and stopping for a chat as the strikers spent the whole 12 days at the venue, also sleeping there.
On the 11th day of the hunger strike a number of renowned figures took a public stand in support of the action. This group included people such as professors, members of Parliament and scientists. The hunger strike venue hosted a variety of different climate-themed events: a support demontration, the Heading for Extinction Talk, Newcomers’ Evenings, Non-Violent Direct Action Trainings, meetings, discussions, an Animal Rebellion performance, arts and crafts events and an Empathy Café. For twelve days Elokapina – XR Finland had the pleasure of holding and hosting a space in the very center of the city. The continuous presence of the XR community was essential for the hunger strike to happen but in turn had an uplifting affect on the community, too.
Here’s what News Now Finland wrote about the action:
- Hunger strikers take climate change message to parliament
- Climate change campaigners end 12-day Helsinki hunger strike
- ”Hallituksen sanat vakuuttavat, teot eivät” – Elokapina vauhdittaa ilmastotoimia nälkälakolla
- Kolme ihmistä aloitti syömälakon Helsingin keskustassa – ”Jokainen kuuntelee omia rajojaan ja omaa kehoaan”