If your town does not yet have XR local group, you can set up one at any time by following the instructions below.
Our Outreach & Community working group provides support for setting up a local group and taking the first steps. Please feel free to contact: yhteiso@elokapina.me.
Establishment of a local group in a nutshell
Read through XR’s principles and demands.
Gather a few interested people together. You can also start a thread in the Base at #localgroups section to find other people in your community.
Have an open meeting, extinction talk, or info session in your community to form a local group.
Gather people’s contact information to keep in touch.
Invite people to a group and select a contact person(s) from among you to communicate with the national organization.
Announce that you have set up a local group to the National Coordination Group at info@elokapina.me or in the Base which can be found under the nickname @ktr-ordin.
Create an email address You can have your own email address in the form of town@elokapina.me by requesting it from the Elokapina IT-administration, which can be found under the nickname @xryllapito in Element, Base as well as Telegram.
- Create secure internal communication channels for your local group.
- Local group areas in Base. By contacting the Elokapina IT-administration or you can get your own open and closed areas in the Base Local Groups area. At the same time, you can get an account for Elokapina’s Cloud service for saving documents, meeting minutes, etc.
- Elokapina internal communication uses the secure Element messenger app. Xryllapito can also create these rooms for you. If you are not yet familiar with our internal communication platforms, you can learn more about it from your trainers or from the community and growth work group.
Organize into working groups or project groups. Help with self-organization.
- Rebel!
Useful links: